
4 essential Ideas of success

In broad terms, success can be defined as a state in which individual is able to fulfill his basic as well as leisure need and where the person himself/herself is to a large extent is capable of determining his/her own lifestyle, relationships, and the overall trajectory of his life.   So, we will discuss mainly the 4 key ideas associated with success. For  success, you need to combine natural talent with hardwork. Natural talent refers to the inbuilt inclinations of people by birth towards certain activities such as any art form like music and dance, a knack of dealing with machineries and tools, interest towards learning and memorizing things, analytical ability, and drive to participate in sport activities to name a few. Hard-work is the means through which natural talent is polished and refined. So hardwork in the areas where you are naturally talented will certainly bear fruits in the form of financial success. So people who are naturally driven towards something have a higher pro

3 Reasons why sustainable development is not a viable concept

My understanding of the concept Sustainable development means development which is achieved in such a manner where the economic, environmental, and human basic needs are satisfied in the present and adequate amount of resources are conserved for the future. In other words, judicious and prudent use of resources in order to fulfill the needs of the present and meet the basic demands of future generations. The origin of the concept, its definition and Brundtland Commission Report The term sustainable development was first coined in 1980, having being highlighted in the World Conservation Strategy, a union between the three significant non-governmental organisations IUCN(International Union for Conservation of Nature),WWF(An Indian Based NGO), and UNEP(United Nations Environment Programme). Here it simply meant conservation of nature without any additional layers that it currently possesses in its understanding. This concept was derived from the Brundtland Commission report 1987"Our

2 Fundamental Differences Between Modern Western and Indian Societies

The modern western and Indian societies differ in innumerable aspects. This is largely due to the immensely varying historical backdrop of these two civilisations. The ideological social, and economic  differences between these two societies will be mainly the core focus of this article with the intention of developing a new perspective towards these two societies.  Let us analyse and dissect the 2 key aspects in which modern Indian and Western societies observe a divergence in their cultures and beliefs: Individualism vs Collectivism Meaning Individualism refers to complete emphasis on the identity of an individual without any consideration to the group to which the person belongs to. While, in collectivism stress is laid on the group identity of an individual rather than focusing on the individual independent of his group. Indian collectivism In modern Indian society, the emphasis on the collective identity has always been prevalent. Historically, the Varnashrama system( the division

Positive and negative impact of lockdown on mental health

Right off the bat, let us properly understand what mental health actually means.  It refers to the overall state of the mind with respect to the psychological and mental wellbeing. So being healthy mentally means having a relaxed and eased condition of the mind. Similarly, persistent feelings of anxiety and restlessness assault the psychological well being of the mind which causes an uneasiness in the mind. The lockdown which brought into effect the physical social distancing of people from one another has inadvertently had some positive as well as negative consequences for human beings in terms of mental health. So, let us dive right into the bread and butter of this article with the following positive and negative impacts of the lockdown. Positive impact The relaxation and rest of the mind has been facilitated by the augmentation in the number of hours of sleep. Quantitatively, this can be understood with a transition from an average 5 to 6 hours of sleep to an average of about 7-8 h

Top 5 things to do to improve your productivity

Productivity in life refers to maximization of efficiency in studies or whatever work you do. Achieving 100 percent productivity everyday is evidently not possible unless you are an extraordinary being. I have 5 tips that I would like to share with you readers to help you improve your productivity, although I too have a long way to go in terms of enhancing my own work efficiency. 1. Make a realistic timetable The most practical approach in reducing procrastination in your life is setting time slots throughout the day or from whenever you get free from your work. Each individual time slot could be of  2 to 3 hours.The number of time slots you would like to have depends on your convenience, it could also include only 1 time slot. But, remember the most important part is the implementation of this timetable in your everyday life. This timetable is certainly more conceivable then an unrealistic timetable in which every single hour is meticulously planned out. This sort of timetable complet

The obsolete Indian education system

A brief history of our system In ancient times, India had the Gurukul  education system in which students who had an inherent desire to delve into knowledgeable subjects and equip themselves with practical and useful skills lived and stayed at a Guru's residence. In other words, the emphasis was laid on the overall well- being of the students , rather than focusing solely   on the memorization skills of students. Isn't it surprising to you? , does it make you wonder why this system was abolished? Well, Lets try to answer this question. The modern system of education, including English language, was brought and introduced to colonial India by Thomas Babington Macaulay in the 1830s, and simultaneously the Gurukul system was expunged from India. The curriculum was confined to the most 'relevant' subjects such as Science, and Mathematics. Other subjects such as philosophy and meta-physics were not recognized as important, hence were excluded from the syllabus. The system es

World after Covid-19

The novel Covid-19 has transformed the world,and our lives in innumerable aspects.These can be categorized into 3 broad categories:technological aspect, lifestyle aspect, and entertainment aspect. Technological Aspect   Following are the drastic effects of this pandemic to the entire technological sphere:   1.The utilization of gadgets such as laptops, smartphones has been maximized during these extraordinary times.This has hastened the process of digitization of the world. 2.While the software component has seen a surge in its utility, the production of smartphones and laptop has witnessed a significant downfall. For instance, the contribution of India to the global smartphone manufacturing is estimated to decline to 9 percent from 16 percent 2019.   3.The concept of driver less car was not considered a viable, and a safe alternative to replace driver cars before this pandemic due to skepticism surrounding its mechanism and employment reasons. But now,  this can be conceived of as saf